Sunday, May 17, 2009

in fairbank (a small town in alaska), it is a dry town ... for moose that is. it's illegal to feed a moose any alcoholic beverage. what, not even a little spritzer?

i just love the thought that enough hooligans were saucing up their local antlered pals to get this on the books.

also fun to note the absolute sophistication that continually comes from alaska. a marvel that palin was even on the bill. i can imagine that nomination brainstorm - "look what momentum they got outta hillary. we need ourselves a woman. who loves guns. and is dumb enough to do exactly as we say. yeah. like bush in a skirt." pow! palin it is.


  1. Moll, my cousin's Eskimo wedding in LV got cancelled last weekend because of an inter-family fistfight. sigh .. that never would have happened if they'd held the wedding in the majesty of AK, as opposed to the cheep-showiness of Trash Vegas :P

  2. rub, that's hilarious. and no offense to vegas ppl - no f that - full offense to vegas ppl - you choose to live in a place like that, it truly is your own fault. tackiest place on earth indeed. and alaska, although they produced palin and her charge of illegitimates, is a gorgeous, pure place. props to my eskimo's.

    rub - an inter-family fistfight, i love it. must know more.
