Thursday, May 14, 2009

pretty pretty

really? and truly? we get a lot of product requests at the studio, but this request below is mint. ... because i'm supposed to help you buy beauty dresses? how bout helping you buy an education, or a clue. that, i can get behind.

(and if you want to get behind a good group - coach at a local school.) NFTE's Mission: To provide entrepreneurship education to young people from low-income communities. i went recently to judge final presentations and the first presenters business was hip fabric handbags. i got all choked up. i was running straight from a crazy day at work where i question everything, feeling spread way too thin. but that just grounded me. she later came by the studio and i coached her more for her biz. :*)

-daffy email request------
Hi, I am writing to introduce myself, my name is Lexi Marie. I am trying to represent michigan in the Miss Michigan USA Pageant. I am looking for sponsors who would be interested in helping me. ....
I am looking to raise $2000 for the Miss Michigan USA Pageant, the money would be for Evening Gown, Swimsuit, Opening Production number, Shoes, and personal interview attire and also a pageant coach who would be able to help me and for my room. I am looking for small donations, not alot.
I would really appericate it if you get back to me, at the above email. thanks.
Lexi Marie
Miss Michigan USA contestant.
dear miss michigan,
i really sympathize. i need a new dress too! however, when i donate money, the things i consider as slightly higher on the list than new shoes ....
giving to greenpeace to ensure the continuation of our species
helping the women's bean project of denver - helping women break the cycle of poverty and unemployment, that teaches job skills and employs women in their gourmet food production business
the UN's girls' education
my friend tiffany's (ninja chick) agency she founded - Shine On Sierra Leone that is building schools and making sure students have at least one meal at day

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