Tuesday, May 26, 2009

yes. i am that girl.

i'm that girl that is in a mad dash to detox day after a long weekend of debauchery where the following bits of adventure may or may not of occurred :


paying homage to closing time.

eggs benny.

random irreverence.

biking to the outdoor film at the hollywood forever cemetery with a bunch of goofball friends to watch dazed and confused among a picnic, some red, some sake and some special brownies.

making it home.


mimosa's in the park.

today i busted free the old juicer from the shards of tupperware past, reaching back to the darkest corners of the cabinet where small spidees have lived a shocking number of generations.

i made a lovely detox juice - it's called mo-pucky-fo-yo-nucky

3 lemons
3 tangerines
a handful of cilantro

(benefits: l-juice is potent with c, antioxies, random fact - it also helps with irritable bowel syndrome. cilantro prevents nausea, great detoxifier, solid source of phytonutrients, random fact - it also helps prevent flatulence. the mo-pucky-fo-yo-nucky tastes robust, sweet with zing.)

peel the citrus.
add everything.
don't clean your juicer for another week. see if you found the cure to cancer.
feel better about your treacherous debauchery of high caloric proportions. hope for amnesia. move on to wednesday. boom! we are already at hump day.

cheers -mo

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